Big Changes!

Hello, friends! Maybe you noticed that something is different… yes, I DID trim my nose hairs!

It’s a brave new world, with a whole new website, new opportunities to offer classes, and new goals.

Video classes will be available here very shortly, with memberships integrated directly into the website. I’m hopeful that this will be a much better setup for everyone.

I’m also making big moves. I’ve decided that I will pursue training to become a physical therapist. I have considered the possibility of studying physical therapy for years, but never started the process because it is overwhelming. But since teaching the way I have for so long seems to be reaching a natural end after the pandemic, I will have to reinvent myself somehow. I am passionate about helping people with their bodies and I love learning and being challenged. This feels like a good fit.

It’s unclear what my teaching will be like as I start this journey. I have at least two years of prerequisite coursework that I need to get under my belt before I can even apply to PT programs. I’ll know more in the coming months as I start taking classes and take stock of the landscape of my time, my monetary needs, and everything else.

Think good thoughts for me!